Tuesday 17 September 2013

Installing CCTV Cameras Photo Widget in Blog

Installing CCTV Cameras Photo Widget in Blog

Make your pictures as the camera floated look at the top right corner of my blog is very easily done.

<script language="JavaScript" src="http://js4you.googlecode.com/files/cctv.js" type="text/javascript"> </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> cot("https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhRKaxDLXCYf5c3eGGtdqVjGePvgoeV-HxoZmiXcKOu82JwmvOy0lh5LhZZ7ldwqzWo_ZxZCPpxVUECyRquEFIvuKW-9m2hhs_VbkYNQncF2_T4iLaG-dS-gk3nyfHh3sGtTN_pnzk1uBA/s1600/cctv.gif")</script>

Way to install: 

1. Open agan blog. 
2. Login to plan 
3. Choose page elements 
4. click Add a Gadget 
5. Select HTML / JavaScript 
6. and last, copy and paste the script right yesteryear in HTML / JavaScript. Then save it, and see the results.

Tuesday 20 November 2012

How to add Simple Email Subscription Box in Blogger?

Email subscription box is necessary for each and every blog. Because if you want to do blogging for a long term or want to engage your business with your blog then you must consider creating a list of people who want to subscribe to your blog and updates. Via the email subscription box people get interested in your blog content and if they want to be updated by you, they put their email in the box and subscribe to your RSS feeds. We can easily add an email subscription to any website or blog.
Commonly, webmasters use Google Feedburner tool for this purpose. Feedburner is a Google's tool which enables visitors to subscribe to your blog via their email box and other tools. While adding the email subscription box to your blogger blog is the easiest thing ever. Because, Feedburner and Blogger both belong to Google. In Blogger, simple email box can easily be added into your blog, because your feedburner is linked to blogger and it automatically creates RSS address for you.
Now let's start adding your simple email box to your blog.

How to add simple follow by email box to your blog?

There are two ways you can use to add an email subscription box to your blogger blogs. The first method is adding a box directly from Feedburner account and the second one is adding it from blogger's widget library. So in this tutorial we'll just add it from Blogger library itself. Follow given tips:
  1. Blogger >> Layout >> Add A gadget [Shown in Picture]
In above picture you can clearly see the indicated areas from where first you'll add a gadget and inside that just scroll down and you can find the Follow by Email widget, hit the plus (+) button and it will take you to another page as showing in below picture:

In above screen shoot you can observe, my feed address has automatically been created for my blog BBC. I will just press the save button and it will be added to the side bar and will be looking on my blog like below image:
Now your email subscription box is ready and any visitor who will like your content, will subscribe for future updates.
We shared this simple tutorial just for letting you know about using email subscription box. It was very basic tutorial, however, I'll be creating some beautiful and cool subscription boxes in the future and will be sharing with you. Till then enjoy blogger.com and stay peaceful. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

CSS Vertical "Navigation" Menus For Blogger & Websites

Just Two days ago, I shared a collection of horizontal CSS menus for blogs and websites with you. Today, I would like to share CSS vertical menus collection with you. As you might know, CSS menus look great in a website. There are many benefits of using menus in a blog or website; the first benefit of using a CSS menu is: it attracts the visitors to click on the links inside the menu and the second benefit is: the menus are faster in loading, they don't take much time to load in all browsers, Because with css you make the menus more readable for the browser. The css codes are just called in HTML page by a class or an ID selector. So, within just one word you can call them to be appeared on your blog. We will keep sharing CSS menus with you because there are thousands of stylish menus are there with different looks. We will also share a collection of drop down menus with you in our coming posts.

How to add CSS vertical menus to blog or website?

The procedure of adding any css menu to your blogger blog or website is quite simple and can be done within few steps. The menus we are sharing today are created with CSS and HTML. You can copy the entire code from the text box below in the list. And then go to your Blogger dashboard >> Layout >> Add a Gadget and paste the code inside that. Save the widget and view your blog to see the new added menu. 


These menus are vertical menus, therefore, they are mostly used in sidebar of your blog. Make sure you add them in sidebar for better result. The codes are with example pictures can be found below. Customization will be taught below the menu codes.

CSS Vertical Menu # 1:

CSS Vertical Menu # 2: 

CSS Vertical Menu # 3: 

CSS Vertical Menu # 4:


After adding the code into an HTML/JavaScript in blogger you can customize the menu by yourself; for changing the links and anchor texts to your own just find below piece of code in the menu:
<ul><li><a href="#">About</a></li></ul>
All the links are inside the ul tag, so replace each (#) sign with your link and the text i.e About, Home, Services etc with your own anchor text. Save the widget and check the result by viewing your blog. All the CSS properties and values can also be customized according to your needs.

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Beautiful CSS Horizontal Menus for Blogger & Websites

As I earlier published a number of CSS tutorials for blogs, websites and separate web pages. But the world of web designing is still to be discovered  We will further work with CSS in details in coming days. I have another Advance CSS course in Urdu that contains all new enhancements of CSS3. CSS3 is a powerful version of CSS. We will discuss the rounded border properties, newly added shadow effect, mouse effects, transitions and so many more. But Today, I will share some beautiful CSS horizontal menus that are entirely built within CSS and HTML. These menus are awesome and can be included in both websites and blogs. You can add them into your blogger blogs too. Below is the list of menus along with CSS and HTML codes. Just love them.

How to Add CSS menus to blog?

These menus can be included into any kind of website or blog. If you're using blogger platform for blogging then simply copy the codes from below boxes and paste it inside an HTML/JavaScript widget and save that widget. You can drag the widget anywhere you want to show the menu on your blog; mostly people keep it below the header.
Now here is the list of menus I'm going to share, the codes are in boxes for each menu, so you can use them for websites and blogs. The customization will be taught below the codes.

CSS Menu # 1 Code:

CSS Menu # 2 Code:

CSS Menu # 3 Code:

CSS Menu # 4 Code:

CSS Menu # 5 Code:

Now when you liked any menu from the above list, copy the code from the box and paste it inside an HTML/JavaScript widget in Blogger and then drag that widget right below the header; see the example image below: 
CSS menu 1
I added one of the above menus into an HTML/JavaScript widget and dragged that below the header as showing in above image and that menu is looking like below image on my blog: 
CSS Menu
Now if you want to replace your links and anchor texts with the default ones then simply find lines like below one in the above code:
<ul><li><a href="#"><span>About Us</span></a></li></ul>
All the li tags are within ul tag, and the <a href="#"> is the link; so you can replace the (#) sign with your link and the default text (About Us, Services, Our Work etc) with your anchor text.

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